I have been doing a sermon series on Sunday mornings from Exodus 13. This chapter is replete with one example after another of God’s providential care for His people.  From the giant cloud in the sky by day and the pillar of fire at night, God was reminding the Children of Israel He was with them every step of the way.  His guidance was immediate as He marched them out of Egypt. His guidance was benevolent as He fed them and loved them. His guidance was orderly as he harnessed them in an organized fashion.  And his leadership with the Hebrew people was constant. Every morning and evening as the people of Israel looked into the sky they were reminded of God’s constant care and His constant provisions.  But remember, none of these blessings could have occurred if they had not left their baggage and their past behind and moved towards the land of Canaan. 

So it is with us, God so much desires a relationship with us,a walk that is not encumbered by sin and the hurts and habits of the past. To enjoy the benefits of the Christian life one must leave the ugliness and the hurts of Egypt.  What is your Egypt?  God told his people “Get out”  God reminds us throughout the New Testament to “Get out!” Leave the past sins the corruption of this world. To “Come out from among them and be separate says the Lord” II Corinthians 6:17.

The glorious benefits of living a life filled with the Holy Spirit is the the New Testament definition of basking in the land of milk and honey. The promised land for the Christian will ultimately be eternal life in heaven. Until that time the journey can be filled with untold blessings from God as we make our pilgrimage out of our Egypt.  Moses sung these words in Exodus 15:13 and my prayer is that they be on our lips even today, “You in your mercy have led forth the people whom You have redeemed; You have guided them in Your strength to Your holy habitation.”

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